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Terms & Condition

  • Jan 31, 2022

All Lots

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Condition Reports

Condition reports are offered as a service to interested clients. Prospective buyers should note that descriptions are not warranties and that each Lot is sold "as is." While condition references may be included for certain items like prints, books, and wine, most Lots do not come with a condition statement unless requested. For specific condition reports, please contact a Global Auction representative.

Property Incorporating Materials from Endangered Species

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Cataloging Terms for Artworks

Terms used in this catalogue have the meanings ascribed to them below:

  • Name(s) or Recognized Designation of an Artist without any Qualification: In Global Auction's opinion, a work by the artist.
  • "Attributed to…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, probably a work by the artist, in whole or in part.
  • "Studio of…"/"Workshop of…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, a work executed in the studio or workshop of the artist, possibly under his supervision.
  • "Circle of…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, a work from the period of the artist and showing his influence.
  • "Follower of…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil.
  • "Manner of…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, a work executed in the artist’s style but at a later date.
  • "After…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, a copy (of any date) of a work by the artist.
  • "Signed…" / "Dated…" / "Inscribed…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist.
  • "With signature…" / "With inscription…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, the signature/inscription appears to be by a hand other than that of the artist.
  • "With date…": In Global Auction's qualified opinion, the date on the item was not executed on that date.

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Bidding Increments 

The auctioneer will typically start with bids below the low estimate and may, at their discretion, increase bids. The standard increments are as follows:

  • $500 - $1,000: by $50
  • $1,000 - $2,000: by $100
  • $2,000 - $5,000: by $200
  • $5,000 - $10,000: by $500
  • $10,000 - $20,000: by $1,000
  • $20,000 - $50,000: by $2,000
  • $50,000 - $100,000: by $5,000
  • $100,000 - $200,000: by $10,000

Successful Bids 

The highest bid will determine the successful bidder when the lot closes. Winning bidders will receive an email notification for any successful bid.

Condition of Sale for Buyers 

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  • “Catalogue” means the catalogue prepared by Global Auction that describes and illustrates all lots for sale.
  • “Conditions” means these terms and conditions.
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  • “Lot” means each piece of property as described in the catalogue for which bids are invited for purchase.
  • “Global Auction,” “our,” “we,” “us” means Global Auction House.
  • “Reserve Price” means, in respect of a lot, the minimum price the seller is prepared to accept from a buyer.
  • “Seller” means, in respect of a particular lot, the seller of that lot and their personal representatives.
  • “$” means the lawful currency of Singapore.

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